Being part of the church community is much more than attending services and giving money. Without the active contributions of its members the church would not function at all.
Joining in is about being a full and involved member of the church, doing things, meeting people, helping those who need help, organising activities, and making the church a more attractive place.
Being involved helps you build your faith, it gives you an outlet for your abilities and talents, it supports you as well as allowing you to support others, it helps you belong.
It doesn’t matter how much or how little time you can spare, there are many jobs, big and small, that need doing. If you notice something is not being done, it is because nobody has offered, or nobody has so far been found to do it. This could be your opportunity!
Where do your talents lie? Are you practical, or creative, or skilled, or good with children or the elderly, or just plain hardworking?
If you want to offer yourself in any capacity whatsoever please get in touch.
Ministry: Running services is a big job, and there is a team that makes sure that everything is in place and prepared for every service, as well as providing servers, chalice assistants, readers and intercessors. The flower team spends a lot of time making sure the church looks its best. The sidesperson team welcomes all to services and looks after visitors.
Pastoral Work: St. Mark’s is the centre of the Woodcote community, and takes its responsibilities to that community very seriously. Helping the pastoral team means helping those in need, and could involve everything from doing some shopping to taking communion to the sick.
The Church Family: The church is a social place, and a caring place. We all like to enjoy ourselves, and there are many opportunities to help with social events or refreshments. You might be able to allow your house to be used for a meeting or house group, or your garden for a party. Organisations like the Women’s Circle are vital to the church’s wellbeing. Junior Church attends to the spiritual education and life of our children.
Maintenance: Most of the maintenance work on the building, halls and grounds is done by the Thursday Group. Practical skills are much in demand when running a large and old building, and time, wear and tear, and weather all make repair work a never-ending process.