St. Mark’s is dependent on the generous giving of its members, and its supporters, to continue its vital relevance to the community at large. We receive no income from the Church of England or any other benefactor.
It currently costs around £100,000 each year to run the church and its ministry, around half of which we pay to the Diocese of Southwark, to meet the costs of ministry and to support the poorer churches in the Diocese.
To survive and pay our way, to manage our buildings, and to reach out into the parish and local community, we rely on the generous gifts of our members and supporters.A
You can make a secure one-off payment directly from here, using your credit card:
The best way of giving is to join the Planned Giving Scheme. This means you make a commitment to give a set amount each week or month as suits you best. Our church benefits because the Treasurer knows what he can expect to receive and can budget accordingly and you have a way of ensuring your donation continues even though you may not be able to attend services each week.
You can give by standing order or direct debit through your bank direct to the church bank account:-
Purley, St Marks Woodcote
Sort code: 60-06-14
Account number: 26624214
If you prefer you can give via a weekly or monthly envelope. Please ask Terry Cairns for more details and a leaflet about the scheme.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your donation by 25% - that’s 25p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you. Just sign a Gift Aid declaration and the taxman will give the church all the tax you paid on the money you give.
Again, please ask Terry Cairns for a leaflet, or pick one up from the back of the church.